Marine Grade Upholstery Supplies


AFF | group is a one-stop-shop for all marine and boating supplies

Sew Foam

AFF | group offers a diverse selection of sew foams, ideal for making pleats and patterns more prevalent.

PVC Coated Fabric

AFF | group's TechStyles vinyl lines have a wide range of colors, specifications, and grains, including cooling technology. AFF | group can also create custom vinyls.

Slab & Roll Foam

AFF | group's foams include slab and roll foams, in a wide range of specifications, thicknesses, and colors. This includes 12 CertiPUR-US foams.
Sew Foam Logo

Hygienic and Anti-Pinking

Flame Laminated Sew Foam

AFF | group offers multiple sew foams with a variety of different backings and specifications. The AFF | group safeguard sew foam is perfect for the marine industry with its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, mildew resistant, and anti-pinking agents.

PVC Coated Fabrics

AFF | group’s PVC Vinyl make up the TechStyles brand. These vinyls were manufactured to serve multiple markets including hospitality, residential, office, healthcare, marine, and transportation. These high-quality vinyl lines consist of 5 performance lines and more than 168 colors available. AFF | group also has the capability to create a custom vinyl program. The programs below are the best fit for marine applications.

Harmony Vinyl

AFF | group's most specified vinyl that was originally created for commercial upholstery but with its UV resistance & anti-microbial, mildew resistant specifications it is also a great fit for the marine industry.

Seascape Vinyl

The ultimate marine vinyl solution with a variety of items in matching colors. This includes welt cord, hidem, carbon fiber, pleated, laminated, and diamond.

Custom Vinyl Program

A wide range of specifications catering to all needs, including Shade, AFF | group's vinyl with cooling technology.

Reticulated Foams

AFF | group has 2 different reticulated foams, Quick Dry & Dry Fast. These foams are great for water applications due to the cells being open and cell walls removed. Quick Dry Foam is made for fresh water application and Dry Fast foam is for salt water applications.

Connect with AFF | group

AFF | group is a textile manufacturer. We would love to work with you or help you find a distributor in your area.